Part 5

Hello and welcome back to King's Quest IV.
Last time we gave away a bag full of priceless diamonds to a very poor family. In exchange we got a weathered fishing pole. A good trade, no?
Our next destination is off in the ocean over to the left. But before we do that, we need to

Five failed attempts later...

Armed with our new fish, let's go for a swim. Be sure to save.

And here we have yet another screen where a hostile NPC can spawn that will kill you if it gets close. Here I was bragging on King's Quest 4 for not having this bullshit and it goes and makes a liar out of me.

In reality, I had to go back and forth several times to get the shark to show up. More often than not, the screen was empty, or had the other encounter on it. If the shark touches you, Rosella drowns and...

So let's just skip ahead to the other shore. This little island is just on the other side of the screen the shark appeared on. This is where Genesta lives. It's a 3x3 grid, with Genesta's castle being in the middle square.

The island has a weird form of compression going on, where if you walk around the outside edge, it's 2x3. But if you go up from where Rosella is standing, you find the middle 3 squares.

It's a very pretty island, though.

Finally on the last beach square I check, we find what I've been looking for. This peacock has shed a feather.
>look ground


With the feather in tow, we can now return to the mainland.

Oh hey, a whale! Let's go investigate.

This screen. This fucking... this screen.

>look skeleton

>get bottle

>open bottle

>read note

Illuminating, but not helpful to us.

Hmm I wonder if that's a hint.
>look boat

Around 4 and a half minutes after first entering the whale stomach, according to the VirtualDub timeline, Rosella finally dies. So you can't hang around here forever.

So if we want to get out of this hellhole, we need to do something to the whale's uvula.

There's a slight problem with that. In order to get to the uvula, we need to climb the whale's tongue.

Nidoking posted:
I always climb up the left side of the tongue, so I know it's possible. I'm pretty sure the paths are mirrored. I don't know why it would be easier to climb one side than the other. It's still a pretty garbage series of puzzles, though, and more of the "You can go anywhere you want, but you need to do these specific things in this specific order" that started to dominate Sierra games around this time.
Any deviations cause Rosella to fall down again. In fact, the gif shows the exact wrong thing to do as well. When you eventually do get to the top of the tongue, you sure as hell don't walk around. You fucking save so you don't have to do it again! Spoilers, I walk too far and save right as I'm about to fall off. So I have to climb back up yet again.
There is literally no way to know where the valid path is beyond blindly guessing and trying from there. You can also make quite a bit of progress from other spots, but they always end in failure. My trial run I was able to make it 75% across the tongue from the left side before running into a dead end everywhere I tried.

After falling I don't even want to know how many times, we're finally at the center of the tongue. So how do we get out?
>tickle uvula with feather

I want to point out that the whale can and will show up as you are crossing the ocean over to Genesta's island. So if you see it and go investigate, you can wind up in its mouth with no way to escape.

Let's go to that island we can see due north.

In the last update, in the teaser bit at the end, I wasn't referring to the whale when I mentioned the "what the fuck Sierra" moment. It was this island.
>look island

>look shipwreck

This right here is the "what the fuck" moment. That little hint wasn't in the original, AGI, version of this game. Indeed, you had to use your psychic powers to guess that there were two items hidden on this screen.
>look glint

>look ground

Yet again, a member of Graham's family finds themselves in possession of a golden bridle.
>wear bridle

>look bird

Well, at least we have a bird friend. I wonder if he's hungry...
>throw fish to bird

>look ground

>look dolphin

>talk to dolphin

>ride dolphin

The distance back to shore is functionally far enough that you would drown trying to swim back yourself. So, I hope you found the golden bridle on that island, because you ain't going back.

NEXT TIME: We deliver the unicorn to Lolotte
List of Points
+3 - Fishing
+2 - Big beautiful feather
+5 - Whale tickling
+3 - Clairvoyance
+4 - Pelican friend
+2 - Shiny whistle
+2 - Blew into whistle
+2 - Rode a dolphin
Register of Deaths
We're gonna need a bigger boat
Swimming while tired
Wasting away in a whale's mouth